Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sponsored by the letter 'F'

Recently, Mike and I had a small group of wonderful people over to our sweet little condo on the beach to enjoy some food, friendship, and F-U-N!  It was Memorial Day, and although not a day of 'celebration' per se, we enjoyed having some people we hold dear over for a little playtime in the sunshine.

I've found that at 31 years and counting, I have so much more appreciation for the aforementioned 'F' words and realize how valuable they are.  As a youngster and adolescent- even as a college student- I think I (really, we all) took forgranted the fact that friendships won't always be as close or strong or easy to keep.  Fun gets better and takes on new meaning as a hard-working adult.  And, I have to say, my food horizons have been greatly expanded since the days of Boston Market side items and left over Panera sandwiches. 

I'm so thankful for the wonderful friends I've made here in the Nutmeg State and on my journey to end up here.  I'm reminded of so many great Memorial Days past and the wonderful friends old and new that I've spent them with.  In reflection, I realize how much this mean as an adult.  How much work they take, and how steadfast they can be despite time and distance.  Instead of a class of 400 of my 'closest friends', I'm now able to maintain friendships that are meaningful, built on mutual interests and activities, and able to withstand differences, debates, and periods of quiet and time apart.  Ahhhh...

Gathered 'round the table

Ryan and Sarah- yeah!

Thumbs up for Adam and Liz

Back to the food.  Mike put together our new, grown-up GRILL the day before the big day-o-fun so we were able to grill it up with some of our favorite cook-out foods.  I made some delicious burgers (if I do say so myself) and BBQ chicken, and we grilled up the other favs including brats, dogs, corn on the cob, and so much more.  Nothing kicks off the start of summer like a good grill shesh.  I love a good cookout where people brign a dish or two because it's a great way to try new and interesting food, experience other people's traditional cookout food, and most importantly... chow down! 

Some of the yummy food

The day was spent playing in the sand here at Walnut Beach in Milford.  We had a little frisbee action, some ladder ball,  splash time in the ocean, a lovely walk on the boardwalk, and several rounds of Flugel and Beer Pong to round out the evening.  It's funny how the simple, inexpensive, outdoor things are the go-to fun these days. I'm happy to exchange elaborate plans, expensive trips or tickets, and stress of must-have fun for the simplicity of a beach towel, a frisbee and a deck of cards.  These are the things our parents always told us about, right? It's not the places or the stuff... it's the people and the experiences.

I'm looking forward to a summer filled with more Food, Friends, and lots of F-U-N!  Cheers to the incredible 'F' words in your life!

All the best,

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