Wednesday, June 22, 2011

House Guest

Today I am happy to report that Mike and I have cohabitated with Prince Charles for 5 days and everyone is still alive and happy.  You see, we've agreed to foster a little hamster, Prince Charles, while his Mama is in Madagascar and his Mama's guy is interning in Boston at some highfalutin firm.

Soooo... welcome, Prince Charles!

This little furry fuzbuster eats a strict diet of seeds, strawberries, spinach leaves and carrots. What!? A vegetarian rodent?  Good thing for him that I keep plenty of veg in the house. 

Since Prince Charles' arrival, I've created a few nicknames for him (I'm sorry, Rachel!).  He's occasionally called Mr. Bojangles, or Hammy, or Hammy Hamsterson, or Little Man.  How does that even happen.  It's like everytime I go to call him, a new name comes to mind.  Hopefully six weeks of identity crisis won't lead to permanent issues. (again, sorry Rachel!).

At first, Mike pretended not to be interested, but with each coming day I find him over at the plastic mansion that Hammy lives in checking him out.  I think he's hooked. He's not going to be the one petting him or feeding him, but he's checking for signs of life and watching Hammy build his little nest.

So, here's to a summer of hamster-sitting, wheel running, scurrying, and vegetarianism.  I must admit, the little bugger is pretty damn cute.

Yours in hamster love,

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