So you may recall the crazy cut-the-line coffee lady from Nica's a few months back. Well her white trash cousin happened to be shopping at Kohl's on Monday when I went in to make a purchase and an exchange. I've been trying to get to kohl's for about a week and it all came together for me on Monday. Of all days, it had to be the day that WTC (short for white trash cousin) was shopping also.
I both heard and witnessed this woman traipsing through the store calling attention to herself by remarking about the inaccuracies of 'sale' items, the lack of sizing for a particular item, calling out to sales people demanding assistance or help, her inability to figure out the self-check pricing machine. I'll pause on that for a moment- it's not a complicated machine. You take the tag or skew code and put it in front of the giant circle with the red light coming out and like magic, your price appears on the screen. This broad was waving things around, shaking the skew up and down at the red light, rotating boxes around and around in a dizzying circle of confusion. It's real simple, sister. Take tag. Hold straight at red light. Wait for price to appear on screen. I almost intervened but decided that I didn't want her as a loud mouthed tag along for the rest of my shopping trip and quickly ducked back into cookware.
Alas, I reach the check out counter, complete my purchase with my $40 of Kohl's cash and I'm off to the customer service desk for my exchange. Now I should back up to say that when I entered the store, the security beeper went off. Not sure why... but no one seemed to look up so I kept on moving. As I leave cust. service I notice that WTC has made her way to the very counter I had just checked out from. She is going on and on about the issues she noticed at the store, the low quality of the garments she's purchasing (yes- still purchasing them!!) and then she leans over puts her hands on a pack of gum that the sales rep has on her register and with hands on it asks if she can have a piece of gum. WHAT!? Gross! Why would you do that? This poor sales woman was trying to work through this sale as quickly as possible. But WTC wouldn't quit. She asked again about the gum. Mind you, I'm now discretely hiding behind the sports bras watching this go down like a slow motion train wreck. Sales woman says, "uh... sure, I guess?" and WTC treats herself to a piece of gum.
I decide I've seen enough and move toward the exit. Sure enough- the beeper goes off again. Everyone turns and looks, I feel my face get a little warm despite the fact that I have not actually stolen anything, ever. Sales lady sees me, realizes she may have left a tag on and says I can come on over. WTC screams at me- "Don't you dare. I'm in a big hurry here and you can wait your turn!" Oh.No.She.Didn't. Quickly my thoughts become a choose your own adventure book where I can either curse her out and tell her about her WTC self, or I can be polite and look to the sales rep for guidance. I'm tempted. She picked the wrong girl to pull that crap with. But, cooler heads prevail and I look to sales rep lady who motions me over. I'm sure she was happy to get a break from WTC who is now loudly chomping on sales rep lady's gum. Bag checked. No security tag. Huffing and puffing from WTC as I stare her down with a look that says, "I dare you to say something else to me, go on!" But nothing. No brawl in the kohl's for me.
And... 11 days into the 30 day paleo challenge, I'm feeling good. Workouts are feeling better, I have more energy, and I made my own mayonnaise last night! It's hard, but I'm plugging along and haven't had any big cheats or lapses.
Hope you're all having a great day!
Good for you for keeping cool. I don't know that I could've done the same. Someone's head would'a been bit right off!!