Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There is a season... turn, turn, turn

I've been singing the Byrds song, Turn, Turn, Turn all morning.  I'm now ready for Fall to officially show herself.  I was hesitant a few weeks ago when cooler weather was taking over my last chances to soak in the sweet, sweet sunshine.  But now, I am ready. Welcome back, Fall.  Let's get going.

We had a little dose of weather in the 50s and 60s and then it recently skyrocketed back up to the 80s this past weekend.  I wouldn't normally complain about weather in the 80s, because I really don't like being cold.  However, I realized I was ready for Fall last night when I awoke at 11pm completely soaked in sweat.  It's September 27th.  I should not still be sweating to the oldies at 11pm.  And I'm not talking about a little glisten on my brow; I'm talking a clothes drenching, sheet soaking sweat. The gross kind.  Yep. How's that mental picture?  On went the A/C, off came the sheets and fresh PJs were put on. This is not the way you want to wake up in the night.

So with that, I say let the Fall begin!  I actually really love Fall because it's a mild (FL style) version of winter without the snow and misery.  You still get to wear great accessories and cozy up next to fire places sipping hot ciders but you don't have to shovel, scrape, and shiver yet.  Fall is so beautiful up here in CT.  The leaves turn amazing shades of orange and yellow and they cover streets and sidewalks like our own yellow brick road.  Things make crunchy noises and there is usually a rich smell of wood burning in fireplaces and back yard fire pits.  Fall means FOOTBALL and tailgating.  It means apple picking and beautiful decorating.  I bought my Mums on Sunday and they are lining our front steps awaiting their little pumpkin friends who will be picked this weekend.  Fall means October Fest at our favorite breweries and local town fairs and harvest markets.  This is the good stuff, friends.


Keg Bowling!
He won!
So, bring it on, Fall!  I'm ready. I've got my scarves out and my vests in the closet.  Show yourself.  Don't make me sleep another night with the A/C on in late September. Seriously.

Yours in fallifornia dreaming,

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