Monday, August 15, 2011

Stop and smell the rain

Seriously, forget the roses; the rain is where it's at!  Last night, sweet Milford got pummeled with rain.  I don't mean the "Oh, hey, it's really raining" kind of rain.  I mean the "Oh my word, should we bring the patio furniture in and put towels by the door because the water is somehow finding it's way in" kind of rain.  Whoa!  It was a serious rain storm- no lightening, no thunder claps, just rain. 

I like the variety in rain.  You've got your light misty rain that sort of exists in all directions because the drops are so light and whimsical that they don't actually 'fall' anywhere.  Then you've got the big drops, the small but rapid fire drops, sideways drops, drops that bounce back up from the ground and get you twice, drops that are sporadic and if you dare, you can walk inbetween them if you move around enough.  Rain is like personalities... it changes depending on mood, weather, and direction.  But not last night.  Last night in Milford we had legitimate sideways, near hurricane force rain.  It was crazy.  Mike wanted to keep the windows and doors open to hear it.  While I'm usually all about listening to the rain too, this kind of rain was so strong that it rained into our house.  Doors and windows closed.  Sorry Mike.

It rained so fast and for so long that there was no where else for the water to go.  We were flooded in the back yard and the water was creeping up the first front step. Yikes!  I kept listening for the flood siren down at the beach because I was sure the ocean was about to overflow it's salty waters onto our street.  'Dear Mother Nature, my car does not like salt water so please keep it down at the beach and not on our street.  Thank you.'  It worked.  No salty streets to speak of.

And then... at 11pm (I was asleep for an hour), I heard glass shatter.  Mike (still awake and watching random Sunday night TV) sprung to action and checked it out.  Sadly, he found our sweet neighbor on his front steps sweeping up glass that blew out of his hand as he carried his recycling to the curb.  I asked if Mike helped (as I would have), but he didn't.  He said he sneakily opened the door to spy and then shut it at the sight of sweeping.  Ugh.  Poor neighbor.  But, I think I might have waited on the whole recycling to the curb thing.

And then at 12am... the power went out.  This didn't bother me much until the house got hot and sticky.  Windows opened right away then.  Mike got to use his military grade flash light that has the little colored circles for different signals. Although, I'm not sure who or what he was intending to signal with the colors.  He did some further investigating around the house to be sure it wasn't just a tripped breaker (sp?).  It wasn't.  Milford was O-U-T of power.  Back to sleep for me... and candlelit overnight adventure for Mike.  I went downstairs around 2am to find him with 6 candles and lanterns lit, playing games on my computer until the batteries ran out.  Windows open, rain inside. Why not?

So... that's my story.  The rain was good.  It was strong and I think it super hydrated my flowers, among other things.  It was beautiful to listen to and this morning everything had that fresh, clean, rain smell.  I appreciate that smell.  And, I appreciate that the rain stopped long enough this morning to let me walk with my coffee from the car to my office before it began again.  There is nothing worse than the strategic drop that finds the sipping hole and splashes the coffee all over your white shirt. I have experience with this.  And, I hear more rain is on the way.  And, I read that we are on a flash flood warning.  'Dear Mother Nature, this is my second request, my car also doesn't like flooding.  Please don't make me swim home.  Thank you!'  I'll keep you posted!

Yours in soggy flip flops,

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