I've been swamped at work this week, again. It makes for a tired and blank mind when I get home and thus, no blogivation. But, I did want to share one quick conclusion I reached this weekend and I think many of you ladies will back me up on this.
While at the Harpoon BeerFest in Vermont (swoon!), I had a realization.
Now, this may cross over to a place that you'd rather not discuss and for that I'll apologize in advance. But I wanted to talk about Port-a-jons. Yep. Porto-Potties. Formally known as Portable Sanitation Units, according to Wikipedia, these things are an equal split of lifesaver and horror show.
When faced with the porta-pottie option I find myself going through the following thought process:
1) limit all liquid consumption
2) loosen any tight fitting clothing for less pressure
3) how long can I wait without risking an accident in the line?
4) are there any port-a-jon banks that are a bit further, and possibly less used than the ones here?
Alas, I usually end up in desperation, hand sanitizer in pocket, doing the pee-pee dance in line waiting for that little handle to turn from red to green. Yep. This happens at races, concerts, special events, beer festivals, town fairs, construction sites, parks, and the list goes on.
SO- on to my big revelation...
The port-a-jons with handles inside are A-Maz-ing!!!
These suckers are definitely built for a woman's use. Those little handles are so helpful in preventing your derriere from touching the germ infested seat and surrounding splattered plastic. The handles help you balance when you're tired, cold, at beerfest, and so on. Brilliant invention, port-a-jon inventor people!!!
This handle invention definitely tops the port-a-jons with the hand sanitizer, because as previously stated, I always have my own anyway.
Thank you for thinking of the ladies on this one. Your forethought doesn't go unnoticed.
More on Vermont tomorrow... we had a great time! I hope you week isn't as hectic as mine.
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