Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh No She Didn't, Part Deux... and other things

So you may recall the crazy cut-the-line coffee lady from Nica's a few months back.  Well her white trash cousin happened to be shopping at Kohl's on Monday when I went in to make a purchase and an exchange.  I've been trying to get to kohl's for about a week and it all came together for me on Monday.  Of all days, it had to be the day that WTC (short for white trash cousin) was shopping also. 

I both heard and witnessed this woman traipsing through the store calling attention to herself by remarking about the inaccuracies of 'sale' items, the lack of sizing for a particular item, calling out to sales people demanding assistance or help, her inability to figure out the self-check pricing machine.  I'll pause on that for a moment- it's not a complicated machine.  You take the tag or skew code and put it in front of the giant circle with the red light coming out and like magic, your price appears on the screen.  This broad was waving things around, shaking the skew up and down at the red light, rotating boxes around and around in a dizzying circle of confusion.  It's real simple, sister.  Take tag. Hold straight at red light. Wait for price to appear on screen.  I almost intervened but decided that I didn't want her as a loud mouthed tag along for the rest of my shopping trip and quickly ducked back into cookware.

Alas, I reach the check out counter, complete my purchase with my $40 of Kohl's cash and I'm off to the customer service desk for my exchange.  Now I should back up to say that when I entered the store, the security beeper went off. Not sure why... but no one seemed to look up so I kept on moving.  As I leave cust. service I notice that WTC has made her way to the very counter I had just checked out from.  She is going on and on about the issues she noticed at the store, the low quality of the garments she's purchasing (yes- still purchasing them!!) and then she leans over puts her hands on a pack of gum that the sales rep has on her register and with hands on it asks if she can have a piece of gum.  WHAT!?  Gross!  Why would you do that?  This poor sales woman was trying to work through this sale as quickly as possible.  But WTC wouldn't quit.  She asked again about the gum.  Mind you, I'm now discretely hiding behind the sports bras watching this go down like a slow motion train wreck.  Sales woman says, "uh... sure, I guess?" and WTC treats herself to a piece of gum. 

I decide I've seen enough and move toward the exit.  Sure enough- the beeper goes off again.  Everyone turns and looks, I feel my face get a little warm despite the fact that I have not actually stolen anything, ever.  Sales lady sees me, realizes she may have left a tag on and says I can come on over.  WTC screams at me- "Don't you dare. I'm in a big hurry here and you can wait your turn!"  Oh.No.She.Didn't.  Quickly my thoughts become a choose your own adventure book where I can either curse her out and tell her about her WTC self, or I can be polite and look to the sales rep for guidance.  I'm tempted. She picked the wrong girl to pull that crap with.  But, cooler heads prevail and I look to sales rep lady who motions me over.  I'm sure she was happy to get a break from WTC who is now loudly chomping on sales rep lady's gum.  Bag checked. No security tag.  Huffing and puffing from WTC as I stare her down with a look that says, "I dare you to say something else to me, go on!"  But nothing.  No brawl in the kohl's for me. 

And... 11 days into the 30 day paleo challenge, I'm feeling good.  Workouts are feeling better, I have more energy, and I made my own mayonnaise last night!  It's hard, but I'm plugging along and haven't had any big cheats or lapses. 

Hope you're all having a great day!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There is a season... turn, turn, turn

I've been singing the Byrds song, Turn, Turn, Turn all morning.  I'm now ready for Fall to officially show herself.  I was hesitant a few weeks ago when cooler weather was taking over my last chances to soak in the sweet, sweet sunshine.  But now, I am ready. Welcome back, Fall.  Let's get going.

We had a little dose of weather in the 50s and 60s and then it recently skyrocketed back up to the 80s this past weekend.  I wouldn't normally complain about weather in the 80s, because I really don't like being cold.  However, I realized I was ready for Fall last night when I awoke at 11pm completely soaked in sweat.  It's September 27th.  I should not still be sweating to the oldies at 11pm.  And I'm not talking about a little glisten on my brow; I'm talking a clothes drenching, sheet soaking sweat. The gross kind.  Yep. How's that mental picture?  On went the A/C, off came the sheets and fresh PJs were put on. This is not the way you want to wake up in the night.

So with that, I say let the Fall begin!  I actually really love Fall because it's a mild (FL style) version of winter without the snow and misery.  You still get to wear great accessories and cozy up next to fire places sipping hot ciders but you don't have to shovel, scrape, and shiver yet.  Fall is so beautiful up here in CT.  The leaves turn amazing shades of orange and yellow and they cover streets and sidewalks like our own yellow brick road.  Things make crunchy noises and there is usually a rich smell of wood burning in fireplaces and back yard fire pits.  Fall means FOOTBALL and tailgating.  It means apple picking and beautiful decorating.  I bought my Mums on Sunday and they are lining our front steps awaiting their little pumpkin friends who will be picked this weekend.  Fall means October Fest at our favorite breweries and local town fairs and harvest markets.  This is the good stuff, friends.


Keg Bowling!
He won!
So, bring it on, Fall!  I'm ready. I've got my scarves out and my vests in the closet.  Show yourself.  Don't make me sleep another night with the A/C on in late September. Seriously.

Yours in fallifornia dreaming,

Friday, September 23, 2011

The sky is falling...

It's not a bird. It's not a plane. And it sure isn't Superman.  A satellite is plummeting toward Earth today.  It's a six ton, school bus sized hunk of flaming metal raging toward our planet's surface uncontrollably.  What?! 

You know what 'they' say:  You Can't Fight Science! You can't.

So basically, from what I've read, and with a hint of my own sarcasm, this is what I understand.  Again- these are my words, not NASA's.  They use much bigger words and more vague language:

There is HUGE satellite, called UARS, that has run out of fuel and has no way to continue to propel itself in space.  This bus-sized hunk of scientific metal has spent 20 years in space collecting all sorts of crazy bacteria and funk we don't know about along the way and is now going to deliver it to earth for us in a raging ball of fire.  Great! 
AND- NASA can only predict that it will hit "between 57 degrees north latitude and 57 degrees south, spanning the width of the world between northern Canada and the tip of South America"  They are saying they have no freaking clue where this beast is headed, but they are totally sure it won't be over North America at the time of re-entry.  Um... isn't Canada in North America?

The article goes on to talk about how the best outcome would be that the pieces of this behemoth land in the ocean or on a remote piece of uninhabited land where no one can be injured.  Seriously?  Duh. Of course that's the best possibly outcome. But in reality, they have no idea where this thing is going to crash down and who will be caught under it.  And they won't know until it's actually happening because our dear satellite is tumbling in space, making it's path harder to predict than if it were smoothly rocketing toward a specified location.

Here's another little snippet of comfort that NASA posted last night- I've highlighted the important pieces:
As of 9:30 p.m. EDT Sept. 22, 2011, the orbit of UARS was 110 mi by 115 mi (175 km by 185 km). Re-entry is possible sometime during the afternoon or early evening of Sept. 23, Eastern Daylight Time. The satellite will not be passing over North America during that time period. It is still too early to predict the time and location of re-entry with any more certainty, but predictions will become more refined in the next 24 hours.

Um... so if it's going to hit this afternoon, and this was posted at 9:30pm last night, and they need 24 hours to predict where it will 're-enter' then are they basically saying that once it hits and we are sure it didn't kill anyone or anything then we'll tell you where it is?  Awesome.

Eyes on the sky today, friends. Be careful. And don't forget NASA's warning- don't touch any pieces you might find.  I'm not sticking around long enough to see them if they come trailing in like a flaming comet.  Here's to hoping for a water landing.

Yours in fascination of space exploration,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Golden Monarch

This past weekend, amidst the chaos of diet changing, workout benchmarking, and fun having, something amazing happened.  While this may not mean much to you, it was so significant to me. 

this is not my actual photo, but I did snap one that I'll upload soon
 As I walked up the front steps, sweaty after my workout, and arms filled with items from my big Costco trip, I saw a beautiful golden monarch fluttering around all of my flowers.  I actually have the exact flowers as the photo above which are the ones she was dancing around in.  It was amazing.  I was almost moved to tears.  I know, tears?  A bit extreme but I LOVE butterflies.  Something about them and their fragility combined with strength and vibrance just moves me.

I placed all of my groceries (all, because I always try to carry every bag and box at once to avoid the extra trip- dumb.) in the front yard and grabbed my camera from my purse to try to capture this beauty.  Again, these pictures are from Google Images, but I was so enthralled with my beautiful butterfly that I hesitated to snap a picture and scare her off or miss any part of her fluttering about.

My first year at Camp Boggy Creek, my friend Shanon and I ran the nature barn for the kids.  With the help of a willful nurse, we raised caterpillars that would one day become golden monarchs much like this:

We were there the morning that the amazing wrinkly and brand new monarchs emerged from their chrystalis' and began to flap their wings, ready for their first flight.  It was such an incredible experience for our campers and for us.  Shanon snapped pictures of the wet-winged butterflies landing on our campers heads and faces and shoulders while they practiced flying.  What a testament to mother nature and her gifts. 
Through doing some research and google searching, I have learned this:

The fourth generation of monarch butterflies is a little bit different than the first three generations. The fourth generation is born in September and October and goes through exactly the same process as the first, second and third generations except for one part. The fourth generation of monarch butterflies does not die after two to six weeks. Instead, this generation of monarch butterflies migrates to warmer climates like Mexico and California and will live for six to eight months until it is time to start the whole process over again.

It is amazing how the four generations of monarch butterflies works out so that the monarch population can continue to live on throughout the years, but not become overpopulated. Mother Nature sure has some cool ways of doing things, doesn’t she?
So my golden monarch must have been a 4th generation beauty preparing for her flight south to carry on her species.  Having read that makes me feel even more special that she visited my sweet flowers before her long journey.  Amazing!

There is something so inspiring and special about these beautiful butterflies.  Their transformation from crawling to flying.  Their need for both protection and freedom.  Their striking beauty, yet gentle flutter.  I could have sat on my front step and watched her float from blossom to blossom ALL DAY.  I wish she'd have stayed a while.  I look for her or her fellow 4th generation butterfly mates each day when I get home.  I believe they've begun their journey south for warmer climates.  Safe travels!

yours in awe,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Captain Caaaaaaaaaaave Womaaaaannnnn!

Yep. It's day 2 of the challenge and so far, it's going well.  I made the trek to Costco this weekend to stock up on meat and veg.  I cleaned out the crap from the fridge and cabinets.  We did not restock our beer fridge (sigh), nor did we purchase any wine.  I did my assessment workout, Fight Gone Bad, and set a benchmark for myself.  I was assigned to Coach Ryan's team for the challenge with some of my favorite people from my gym.  So now it's all about maintaining and not giving in to cravings or weak moments where chocolate or wine would normally be the answer. 

I spent about 4 hours prepping food on Sunday afternoon.  Cutting veggies up.  Picking chicken for chicken salad.  Hard boiling eggs for breakfasts.  Prepping meat for dinners each night. It was good.  And now our fridge looks like this:

I think the most difficult part is going to be lunches.  It can be hard at work to always find time to eat, and to eat healthy things that require preparation.  Here's what I have for today:

my packed lunch bag

avocado for a snack

spinach for my chicken salad

Hydration- gotta drink 1/2 my weight in ounces of water each day!

YUM- tomatoes for my chicken salad

and my hard boiled eggs
It's not easy, but I feel good.  I guess that's why they call it a challenge.  Stay tuned... and keep your fingers crossed that I don't have any slip ups. 

Yours in meat loving,

Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to the stone age... just call me Wilma

Today marks an ending of sorts.  Well... a beginning to an ending that will culminate on Sunday.  This Sunday.  On that fateful day, I will begin a 30 day 'Paleo' challenge.  Yes, Paleo, like cavemen. 

It's something that is preached a lot at CrossFit and it's something that I've thus far managed to somewhat avoid.  Sure, during the week I cook very healthy meals that are just about 95% Paleo, but we still have a beer or glass of wine or coconut macaroon with our meat and veg.

Our gym is launching their annual 30 challenge to jump start people back into healthy eating before we all hibernate in our caves for the long winter, living off of our fat stores and baked goods. Yep. That's what happens.

Here are a few useful websites that discuss the paleo diet: this one,  and this one,  and especially this one.

So this means BIG changes are coming. And I'm going to do my best to maintain and stay strictly paleo as long as I can. 30 days is a long time, though. I may have a few slip ups.  So I'll keep a food journal and I'll be honest in documenting my good work and my slip-ups (let's face it, there will be some). 

I don't have a specific goal.  Maybe I should set one. But, I would like to tone up a bit more and feel better during WODs. While those are generic goals, they work for me.  I'm not a scale watcher, I don't know how much I weigh, I don't know my measurements and I don't ever intend to know these things.  I'll judge my results by how my clothes fit, how I feel, my energy levels, and my performance at the gym.  I'll also document these things as well.  And- for the sake of honesty and accountability, I'll take some before, during, and after photos. It will keep me motivated if I have to put my sports bra'd self on the interweb for show.

At the end of the 30 days, I hope this is something that becomes our 'normal' and I can stick with it.  Sure, I'll still have the occasional beer or FroYo (duh, FroYo Fridays would suffer without me), but I hope that my primary eating habits are forever changed. 

And with that, I will spend the next two days tasting my favorites one last time, cleaning out the pantry and shelves of non-paleo snacks, and restocking with legit paleo foods.  Sigh. Farewell Lays Potato Chips... I heart you. So long coconut macaroons... you've been good to me.  And... ForYo, where do I begin?  I will miss you every Friday for the next month. Today I will have a large cup in solidarity.

Yours in chest beating and clubbing,
Paleo Whitney

Thursday, September 15, 2011

To wear or not to wear... white after Labor Day.

To wear or not to wear white after Labor Day... this is an issue for me.  It's not yet cool or cold, although it's coming soon.  I'm not willing to transition my wardrobe yet to slacks and long sleeves so what does a girl do?  Today, I wore a long summer sun dress and white sweater. I did it. I don't care who judges me for it. 

What's with this rule anyway?  When I was younger I always thought it applied to shoes, but now I feel like it's being applied to everything. How can a person go all winter long without wearing white?  And now, in a grand marketing scheme, stores are calling what we all know as the color cream, winter white.  Really?  Winter White?  C'mon, it's cream.  Always has been.

This link gives a few historical explanations for why this crazy fashion rule might have come to light.  I've also read a few articles on the topic which state- "make your own trend", "pair white jeans with a chunky sweater and ankle boots" or "Winter white is the new trend in allowing white to be worn after Labor Day."

I can't be bothered.  Maybe if I worked for Vogue or some high speed NYC office, but today, here at Yale, I'm going to rock my white sweater and sun dress. Judge away. I'm not giving up on summer yet.

Yours in faux pas,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whirlwind Wednesday Wrapup

Hello Friends,

Long time, no blog, huh?

Today will be another quickie because work is C-R-A-Z-Y these days!  You know how some people are very organized and they do things exactly as a manual or step-by-step guide says?  You know how those same people start a task, see it to completion, and then begin a new one?  Well I'm NOT one of those people.  I have about a million ideas and projects floating around in my head, some of which are halfway started or done in real life.  I also switch in and out of so many thoughts and tasks in a day that another person could not possibly keep up with my chaos.  But, for me, it works.  I always complete my work and I know exactly where I am with all of the things that are up in the air and in process.  I often joke with my boss that I hope I never have amnesia because I'd be really screwed.  So much of what I do is based on me remembering which file I put something in, who I spoke with about something, etc...  fingers crossed for no amnesia incidents.

So with those random thoughts I will add these things I've contemplated over the last few days:

  • I really like Dolly Parton.  I'm not sure why or where this thought came from but yesterday I was moved to pull up some songs of hers on the internet and sing along as I worked. She's a legend.
  • Paintball wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got hit in the face immediately (thank goodness for the mask) and then again in my arms and it wasn't as bad as I expected.  Here are a few pics to prove it.
  • Molly, ready for action
    Mike sniping the opponents
    water break... mike took a few hits
    aftermath- welts and bruises
    The mask that saved my eye ball
    CrossFit New Haven Homies
  • I have a photographic memory. I can't conciously remember where I put things, but I can see it in my mind... like I know the fact I am looking for is at the bottom of a page with a stain on it.  Weird.
  • I am obsessed with NPR.  I've always listened to it, but in recent months, I find that I get excited to get back into the car to hear more. I even listen throughout the day at my desk.
  • I started a 100 day burpee challenge with some girls from my gym.  We will do the corresponding number of burpees to the day of the challenge for the next 100 days (well, 97 days now).  So the day before my birthday, I should be a burpee maniac.  If you don't know what a burpee is, check this out:  forward to about 58 seconds in.  These people did the same thing we are doing.
So that's the brain dump for today.

I hope you all have a wonderful hump day. 


Friday, September 9, 2011

Paintball... oh my!


Today, I sit here slightly nervous and partially excited but mostly confused as to how I got myself into a paintball tournament tonight with my fellow CrossFitters.  Oh. My. Heavens.  I think initially I thought we were actually doing laser tag.  You know, the non-hurting, you can hide in a dark corner until it's done, or secretly shoot at people without them knowing.  Yeah, that's what I thought we were doing.

Instead, we are going to paintball.  Paintball!?!?  Isn't this crap going to hurt me?  I treated myself to a little photo montage via Google Images to check out exactly what this craziness looks like.  It's not pretty.  I'm even more afraid now.  You know, I'm like a peach; I bruise easily :)  Ha!

Here is my before picture... just in case I don't come back in the same condition:

Here are a few pieces of evidence I found that have contributed to my fear and desire to possibly back out of this whole adventure.  I think this is definitely a 'boy' type of event.  Can't I just go to Lulu Lemon instead?

Exhibit A:
What the heck are all of those canister things on their backs and why are they all huddled together while homeboy in the red shirt is attacking them?  And what's with the guy in the front who is posed like a cheetah ready to strike.  Isn't this a gun game? 

Exhibit B:
It's clear you can't really hide 'behind' anything since we're bigger than all of these obstacles.  So my theory of hiding in the corner is out the window.  And- is that a dog house?!?!

Exhibit C:

I am not a Sniper; however, some of the people going with us have been snipers and sharp shooters in the military.  So while they will take this stance, I will take the shape of a rolly polly and wait until the whole thing is over.

Exhibit D:
There are no words for this. This is like Chewbaca meets Swamp Thing in the bayou of Louisiana.  But, I kind wish I had this get up to hide in.  And I'll be it helps prevent the pain from the paintball hit.

Exhibit E- The Most Important One:

Are you freaking kidding me?!?  If this crap hits my face I will be pissed. I can not show up to work on Monday with a black eye, swollen face, or any missing teeth.  Seriously. The face?  And I'm pretty sure the free-with-purchase face mask they give us won't be a protective as this one. Sigh.

So with that, I'm officially afraid.  Perhaps I can persuade my team to let me be the photographer (positioned safely from the sidelines with a zoom lens) instead of being in the trenches.  I hope they tell us the commands for "I quit" and "Please don't hurt me" and "I'm outta here!"  because I have a feeling I will need them.

Oh holy hannah, this is going to hurt.  So folks, keep me in your thoughts.  When the clock strikes 5pm, I'll be covered in this:

Dear washing machine, please forgive me for the clothes in which you will receive tonight.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Mike is going to L-O-V-E this and ensure that he uses every available paintball on the field.  He tends to be deceivingly good at these types of things. Sigh, again.

I'll report back with photos.

Yours in fear,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to school?

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.  ~Sydney J. Harris
While I'm not actually going back to school myself, it is that time of year and many people I know are heading back to school in some way.  Mike's first day back was yesterday and I came home to find him doing his own homework to prep for his new class in Western Civ; I guess even teachers have homework.  I was watching him last night and thinking back to my many 'first days of school.' It's exciting.  It's nervewracking.  What to wear?  Where to sit? Who are my teachers?  It's an adrenaline rush of sorts.

And, my friend Kelly has taken the leap and has gone back for her Master's in Communication in a really cool new program.  She's so inspiring.  This is something she's talked and dreamed about for a long time.  She is full blown into classes now and opening herself up to a new networking group, new skills, new opportunities, and a chance to really go after something she's passionate about.  And- she's still working full time!!!  She is one determined and driven lady.

Lately, it seems that a lot of people I know are looking to make changes, to try something new, to go back to school and learn a new skill or advance those they already possess.  I think it's so important to chase something you want.  To go after your dreams or goals, or to be able to recognize that what you are currently doing isn't fulfilling the dream/goal.  In these financial times it's hard to make a full stop change, but I think there are opportunities out there.  A course here or there at the community college.  An arts course to learn a new skill that could be a side project.  A new sport or team that might expose you to a different set of professionals.  Change is good.  Even small change is enough to adjust your route just a bit to possibly open a new door.

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.  ~Malcolm S. Forbes
I see the students here in my department at Yale this week and I smile thinking back to being in college and having the world at my fingertips (so I thought.)  These young people are excited and full of energy.  They wander the halls searching for their classes, hoping to make eye contact with a friendly face to ask for help.  It's so sweet and endearing.  They aren't jaded yet by life and society and work.  They are appreciative of just a bit of help or opportunity.  They call me Ma'am or Miss, and that's ok.

And with all of this new inspiration and energy, I think I'll look into a new class on something crafty or artsy or sporty.  Last week I witnessed an outdoor HulaHooping class and I am excited to learn more about these hip shaking women.  What new classes or skills or changes are you making???

Yours in inspiration,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Treat Yourself, Tuesday!

I hope you all had a fabulous Labor Day weekend and were able to spend some time with friends and loved ones.  Today, on treat yourself Tuesday, CT schools are back in session.  We've reached the turning point in summer vacation and have neared the end of white pants and shoes, summer sun dresses, watermelon and sun screen.  We are preparing to welcome cooler temps, close-toed shoes, football, pumpkin flavored everything, and the changing of leaf colors.

But, back to Treat Yourself Tuesday... might I suggest you treat yourself to some Dr. Bronner's products.  Specifically, the soaps.  I've used the peppermint soap since I was a kid.  I remember reading the bottles with all of the wild and bizarre information that was written on them.  Today, I use the bars and I love them.  Their scents are refreshing but don't leave you smelling perfumy afterward.  I have super sensitive skin and these soaps are gentle enough yet smell great.

So, in short. Treat Yourself to some Dr. Bronners soaps.  You'll love them.

Yours in lavender love,

Friday, September 2, 2011

FroYo Friday Fun!

You guessed it! Today is FroYo Friday and my peeps and I are heading out to get our favorite treat for lunch today.  And, a wonderful little salad shop opened next to FroYo World, making this weekly adventure double the fun now!

Hope you are doing something to treat yourself today!  Happy Labor Day Weekend!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

And there was light...

Last night around 8:15pm our power was restored, our lights came on, our clocks began to work, our A/C kicked in, and our hot water began to flow.  For about 10 minutes, Mike and I ran through the house turning every single thing on and using anything we had not been able to since Saturday.  It was sort of like moving in to a new house.  We are not energy wasters, but for a few minutes we indulged ourselves in the triumphant return of our power. It was good.

And after the fun was over and we knew that things worked and we could once again have clean clothes and bodies, we turned all the lights out.  Throughout the week, Mike and I counted our blessings and used Irene as a reminder of how much we really have and how thankful we are for it.  We drove around at dusk last night to check on some friend's houses in areas of Milford that were very hard hit by the storm.  It was, and is, so sad.  People were working in the dark cleaning out garages and 1st floors of houses, sorting through their lives to find something salvagable.  Our hearts went out to them.  There were points when Mike literally stopped driving, unknowingly.  I hope we will be able to help with some organized clean-up efforts in the near future to help others.

When we got home, we noticed that traffic lights near us had been restored, and as we got closer, the street lights were on.  Our neighbor was sitting outside on his steps when we walked up; he was just staring at the street which looks so different when illuminated than when it was dark and left to our imagination.  We spent our 10 minutes of hysteria running through the house and flipping switches.  And while we were running around we both started to slow down and remark that we actually felt guilty.  We felt bad that we had something that others didn't.  And then, we turned everything off and talked about having spent 4 days in darkness.  It wasn't bad.  We talked more, we read new books (albeit by candlelight), we (and I mean me) perfected our solitaire game.  We played trivial pursuit and exercised our brains.  It was really like camping in our house, with the comforts of a real bed and cushy seating. 

And so, our blessings are counted.  We are thankful.  Our hearts are heavy for those who are still dealing with the aftermath of this storm.  We hope to offer help this weekend and in the future. 

And here is how we spent the rest of the evening until our eyes could not stay open a minute more...
