Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Treat Yourself Tuesday- Tuna Steaks from TJ's

Hello Friends,

I've missed this little blog for a few days; sometimes life and friends take over and you just can't bring yourself to leave the sunshine to go inside and sit at a computer.  BUT... I couldn't miss treat yourself Tuesday, so here it is!

This week, I highly suggest you treat yourself to the frozen ahi tuna steaks that are in a nice marinade from Trader Joe's.  I accidently threw out the packaging before I wrote the real name down but they shouldn't be hard to find.  They are in the freezer area by the other seafood.  They are nice sized tuna steaks, flash frozen, and they're in a yellow/greenish sauce.  They are wonderfu and inexpensive and not your typical 'frozen' fishl!!! 

I've been making them every couple of weeks on the grill, following the suggested grill time on the packaging and they are delicioso!  It's funny because each time I tell Mike we're having tuna steak for dinner he gets that srcunchy nose face like "I don't know if I like that" and everytime he eats it, he's reminded that he actually loves it.  The marinade is light and not too overpowering.  I also grill asparagus with this and I use the left over marinade juice in the packaging and spoon it over the asparagus whil it's on the grill for a little flavor.  Last week we had our sweet friend Erin over for dinner and I made this, and I'm pretty sure she loved it too. 

The TJ's website suggests this:

Swordfish & Tuna
The Hook to Handling

Best Bet: Thaw from frozen in package in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
2nd Best: Thaw in packaging in bowl of water in fridge for 1-2 hours.
Quick Thaw: Under cold running water.
Cheater Thaw: Remove packaging and microwave on defrost until thawed. Never thaw seafood ar room temperature and marinate only in the refrigerator-discard marinade after use.

Tackle the Prep
Marinate seafood steaks before cooking for most flavorful results.
Best Bet: Grilling: Place marinated steak on an oiled grill. Frequently baste fish while grilling to prevent it from drying out.

Cook it 10 minutes per inch of thickness, turning it halfway through total cooking time. Add 5 minutes to cook time if using foil or cooking in a sauce.

Is it done yet? Pierce the fish with a knife to check to see if edges are opaque and the center is slightly translucent with flakes just beginning to separate. Avoid overcooking!

And, to beat it all, any left overs we have are great on a bed of spinach or greens the next day for lunch (either cold or hot) because it's so flavorful!  You don't need dressing or anything else with it.  Yummy!

So... do yourself a favor and treat yourself to some Trader Joe's tuna steaks.  You won't be sorry.  Well, for those of you without a Trader Joe's nearby, you might be sorry.  And for that, I will be sorry too. 


Yours in sweet omega 3 love,

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