Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Here. It's Here. It's Here!!!

Today we celebrate the Winter Solstice, a.k.a., my 32nd birthday!  And by 'we', I mean me. You don't have to celebrate if you don't want to. Today, I feel like a real grown-up.  I feel like my 30s have been so good to me, and they're getting better and better.  I woke up energized and ready to reflect on what 31 meant, and what 32 will bring.  And in those reflections I'm reminded that it's a somewhat bittersweet day. The bitter is that I have shared this day, for the last 31 years, with my beloved Mema.  This will mark a new time in life where I will carry on our birthday solo, but I know she's celebrating with me in spirit.

As for the sweet part, I kick started the day with a call from my Mama, Miss Susie, at 6:06am.  That's the time I was born, and to date, we haven't missed a phone call or bedside wake-up at that time in 32 years... and counting.  Love you, mama!

This past weekend we had a lovely little soiree to kick off the bday celebrations.  There's nothing like a beach themed, backyard BBQ, pajama-jam, game night to start things off.  Sadly, my camera died early on in the festivities so I can only offer a few photos from the beginning of the evening.  We played games, we danced, we ate delish food and desserts, and we celebrated.  So. Fun.


Warming up by the 'fire'... so flickery and bright! 

Ryan and Sarah... our party planning support

Hooray for red lipstick and leis!

Minute to win it balloon games




I couldn't have asked for a better evening with such wonderful friends. I'm truly blessed. 

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!


*Birthday Countdown: 365 days

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you .... happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu... cha cha cha :)


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