Wednesday, December 14, 2011


*Warning, a rant of opinion is about to be unleashed*

Two nights ago, Mike and I went to see the current Twilight movie in the theater.  I don't know its proper title.  This stemmed from a weekend of couch lounging due to sickness (as previously discussed) and a twilight marathon, on repeat, on one of the movie channels.  Firstly, how do you have a marathon when there are only two Twilight movies?  You play both of them, back to back, repeatedly for about 9 hours on Showtime, that's how.  I had no real desire to see any of these movies, let alone pay $12 a person to see the new one, but alas, Mike loves movie popcorn and it seemed like a good way for him to indulge his craving.

So here's my beef with these movies.  Their primary audience is the tweens and teens, right?  And the basic premise is that this high school aged girl, who formerly had a great group of friends at school and a good relationship with her parents is now obsessed with and totally 'in love' with both a vampire guy and werewolf guy, and that becomes her sole identity.  OK,  so the lesson for young women to take away from these movies is that you are nothing and your life means nothing unless you are with a boy.  And, not only will this boy make your life worth living, but he's so important that you no longer need any other friends, your family, your schooling, or your dreams.  All you need is to breathe the same air he does (which, PS, he's a vampire, so he's not really breathing anyway) and know he's there.  I am so concerned about the young women that will see this movie, or the previous ones, and think that a boy, or man, or whomever is what should define them.  Does this concern anyone else?

As I watched the 'marathon' and then the new movie, I was so upset to see that this young woman, Bella, was so willing to give up her life, her family, her self for this vampire character.  She attempts suicide when they can't be together. She leads on the werewolf because she can't stand to be alone and independent.  This is scary stuff to be teaching our young people, and adults!!!

It really concerns me, and I know there are many people out there who love these movies.  I just worry that we're fostering a generation of insecure, co-dependent young people with no self worth or identity. 

And, for what it's worth... in a totally teeny bopper way, I like the werewolf better anyway.  He seems more level headed and logical.  Just saying.

Ok, rant over. Thanks for reading. 

Birthday countdown: 6 days!


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