Thursday, December 22, 2011

Black Swan... I mean Squirrel

Today, I saw what I thought was an apparition or some sort of mythical creature.  I saw a tiny black squirrel.  It was exactly like the grey squirrels in EVERY way, except it was jet black.  It was so odd that I stopped and watched it on the street for about 10 minutes.  It would scurry away everything I tried to get close enough to get a good picture.  But, I managed to snap a few that will show you what I'm talking about:

Can you see him/her sitting there eating?

on the run from me
I googled black squirrels and found this on Wikipedia:
As a melanistic of the Eastern Gray Squirrel, individual black squirrels can exist wherever grey squirrels live. Grey mating pairs may produce black offspring, and in areas with high concentrations of black squirrels, mixed litters are common.[1] The black subgroup seems to have been dominant throughout North America prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century, since their dark colour helped them hide in virgin forests which tended to be very dense and shaded. As time passed, hunting and deforestation led to biological advantages for grey coloured individuals.[2] Today, the black subgroup is particularly abundant in the northern part of the Eastern Grey Squirrel's range.[3][4] This is likely due to the significantly increased cold tolerance of black individuals which lose less heat than greys.[5] Black individuals also enjoy concealment advantages in denser northern forests.[1]

And here are a few more professional pictures so you can really see what these mystical creatures look like:

Crazy, right?  Have you ever seen one of these?  I must admit, the little guy I saw was pretty darn cute!  I wonder if Mike would let me have one of these since we loved Hammy the Hamster (officially known as Prince Charles) so much...???

Yours in squirrel love,

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute! I remember my first trip to Michigan when I was about 14 and black squirrels were the majority! I was as fascinated as you, and haven't seen one since! :)


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