Today is the day I both long for and dread all year. Today, the CrossFit Opens Competition begins. It's a five week global competition in which CrossFit athletes compete each week as they work toward an invitation to the Regional competition in their state/country.
Tonight at 8pm the first WOD of the competition will be announced and I'm nervous. Like a combination of butterflies in your stomach before a first date and the gut wrenching feeling of desperation and despair. Lovely, right?
But before that, I am asking you all to watch this video of my gym, CrossFit New Haven, as we participated in a competition called Barbells for Boobs last October. The competition was to raise awareness and access for early breast cancer detection and mammograms. Our gym raised over $6,000 and had a BLAST! PS- it's my absolute favorite crossfit workout. On the video you'll get to see our gym, my friends, and even me! talking about this great community of people.
When you click the link, read the article if you choose, but definitely click the best format for you to the right and watch. It's about 6 minutes, but I'd love it if you took the time to check out something so important to me.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Not only are you a bad a$$ athlete, you are our cheerleader too. Thank you so much for saying in that video, what clearly comes from your heart.