Tuesday, November 22, 2011

For the love of my Mama

HI Friends,

Work is gradually slowing up and I'm hoping to get back to my regular blogging routine once again.  Today is the last day of work this week- thank you Yale- and I am SO looking forward to a little break and some thankfulness.

But first, a little recap from one of my favorite things... a visit from my Mom. Two weekends ago, my Mom, aka Miss Susie, came up from the Sunshine State for a quick visit.  I don't think I ever really realize just how much I miss her until she's here and the hours and minutes speed by so quickly, threatening to end our visit sooner than I'm ready for.  It always seems like forever until she arrives and then in the blink of an eye I'm driving her back to the airport.  Sometimes it's just not fair. 

Growing up we went on many vacations around the south, and on ski trips out west, but we never really visited the Northeast.  I'm actually so thankful for not having spent much time up here previously because it makes every visit with my mom so special.  We plan new adventures, drive places neither of us has ever been.  We experienced NYC for the first time together in 2007.  It's so much more fun to go on these adventures with my mom, knowing that both of us will be seeing something or experiencing something for the very first time together. 

And this past trip was no exception.  Mike helped plan a wonderful few days for us, complete with a beautiful drive through the Hudson River Valley, a visit to the CIA (Culinary Institute of America), Mohonk Mountain, leaf looking, FDR's house and memorial, The Griswold Inn, and much more. 


And although these adventures brought us new memories and stories, the best part fo the trip was our quiet times just talking as we sipped our tea in the mornings.  You don't realize how much you need a dose of Mama until she's sitting at your table bundled up in comfy clothes, talking about whatever we fancy doing for the day.  That's the best part.  It's not that I ever forget how much I enjoy our time together, but I'm so much more aware of it when she's here and we're on a timeline.  There are times in life tha I wish I could press fast forward and get on to the next part but not when my mom and I are together.  It's in those times that I wish I could press pause and stay in them so much more.

And so on the third day in this week of Thanks, I am so thankful to have my Mom.  She is my best friend, my confidant, my mentor, my voice of reason.  And, I'm one lucky girl.

Here's to planning our next adventure... we're heading West in June for the red rocks.  I can't wait... mostly just for the Mom time. 


Friday, November 18, 2011

BOOM goes the...smell of gas in our house.

Dear Blogary,

I've missed you.  Work has kept me away from writing and sharing all of the adventures and craziness of late.  However, after last night's events, I decided I had to take a quick break to share. 

I worked late again last night and Mike was rushing me home because he had made dinner plans that would apparently self destruct if I wasn't there by 5:45pm.  (Yes, I thought that was early bird special time, too!)  I rushed home in the rain as fast as I could.  I raced to the front door just to drop off my lunch box and work bag, only to be met by an overwhelming smell of gas pouring from the house.  I'm not talking about the "I had beans for lunch" kind of gas; I'm talking real deal gas stove gas.  Yikes!  I race in the house, careful not to cause a static spark or clink my keys against anything else.  I'm shouting, "Mike, we have to call the gas company!  This is an emergency!  You've been sitting here in this?!?!"  The smell was so strong it was dizzying. Seriously.  Forget about the self destructing dinner plans, we were about to blow up the block!

I enter the kitchen to find one of the dials for the stove top turned to 'light' with gas just pouring out of it.  Apparently it had been doing so for quite some time- like since the morning.  Neither of us is sure who bumped the stove, and regardless of blame, this was a super scary situation.  We opened the windows, cut off the heat, and contemplated what to do next. At one point, Mike mentioned that he had been sitting in the house earlier with candles lit!!!!!!  Seriously. It's a wonder we didn't blow up the neighborhood.

Not having grown up with gas, I am no expert of this stuff so I don't really know what to do in a case like that.  Mike decided we should go to dinner and check it out afterward since we couldn't stand to just sit in the house smelling it.  After dinner the smell was still so strong that we opened every single window and door on both floors and froze all night long with no heat while the gas slowly leaked out of our house.  Needless to say, I didn't sleep and I worried that every move we made in our fleece blankets would ignite a static spark that would blow us into oblivion and destroy all the condos on our block.

Thank goodness we were OK and a major crisis was averted.  This morning, everything smelled normal again.  I do have a ridiculous headache and am very tired, but at least we made it out without harm.

Be careful, my friends!  If you think you smell gas, you probably do!  Don't wait or give it some more time.  It's a distinct smell so you're not imagining it, and it's not onions in the trash can as Mike thought it was.  Call the gas company, check your appliances, BE SAFE!

Happy Friday!  I'm thankful for our safety.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This last 10 days has been quite a whirlwind. I've been working on huge projects at work, carving pumpkins, participating in fundraisers, SNOW, halloween, and the list goes on. Whew! I'm pooped.

Here are some photos from the last week+ of activities and adventures.

Last Saturday, I participated in Barbells for Boobs, which is a CrossFit event that raises funding for Breast Cancer research and treatment.  Our gym raised over $6,000 and held a friendly competition event.  Participants had to perform the WOD called 'Grace' which is 30 clean and jerks for time.  I finished in 3:09 at 95lbs.  All photos borrowed from Aaron Poach- a friend and fellow CFNH member.

The day was electric with energy and stories of triumph, survival, and spirit. We had a cookout afterward and then awaited the snow to fall.  I couldn't believe I was seeing snow come so early in the year. October 29th.  Many parts of CT are still without power today; however, Milford wasn't too hard hit so we managed to not relive our Hurricane Irene lifestyle. 

More on Halloween and the snow to come. Hope you all are having a good week. Happy Wednesday!
