One thing I've noticed about this whole without power deal is that it really stinks to brush my teeth with cold water. I haven't complained much about being without power; I'm thankful for all the things we still have. But, I must say, brushing my teeth the last few mornings when the weather has been in the 60s is not pleasant.
There are things that really benefit from being cleaned with cold water, for example: faces, hair, delicate laundry. However, my teeth are another story. It sends little pain tingles through my head and makes me nervous to swish the water at the end. Now, I've never been a person that can bite into a popcicle or anything cold with my front teeth, but this is different. I just don't feel like my chompers are getting as clean with the cold water. And, I feel like my floss string is less maleable to maneuver around my pearly whites when it's cold.
I'm a bit of a tooth/teeth fanatic (in the most extreme/fanatical sense) and I will freak out if I can't get my teeth clean or feel like they are free from 'stuff.' I have irrational teeth fears stemming back from being a kid and I can't risk anything bad happening to these chicklets. I'm not sure how much longer I can endure the cold-water-brushing. I'm thinking tonight, I'll boil up some water on the grill before brushing.
I know, it's weird. But, these are the things you notice when you are getting ready for work in the dark and left to ponder what you can. Here's to hoping this doesn't result in any crazy tooth dreams tonight.
Floss well my friends,
That's so funny that you don't like the cold water, I think hot water is so gross when brushing my teeth! The colder the better for moi :)