the first part: the beginning of the book; the beginning of the month.
Welcome to the beginning of Words With Whitney- an almost daily look into the life and times of a 31 year old gal starting out on a 'new beginning' of sorts. Read on as the adventures unfold.
I decided to blog in an effort to share the random, funny, and riduculous things that are a daily occurance in my life, and to keep a journal of sorts for myself. Most of you know that I'm seldom at a loss for words or opinions on anything and everything, and I frequently find myself in out-of-the-ordinary situations. This will be a place to capture those great experiences and to share great new recipes for healthy eating, keep myself accountable with my fitness (it won't be all CrossFit all day- don't worry) and to have a little creative outlet.
I hope you'll follow along and that you enjoy reading. Feel free to send suggestions my way, or hot topics I could weigh in on. If you know me, you know I love a good debate!
I've been reading a lot of blogs lately from how to plant and care for dhalias to eating paleo to my daily CFNH fix. It's such a neat outlet for sharing and getting the creative juices flowing. What's your favorite blog and why? What makes it great and keeps you coming back. Seriously, don't be shy. Leave a comment and let me know.
I'll wrap this introductory post up and be back to you soon with a new adventure.
Cheers, All the best, bubububye,